Monday, November 3, 2008

My 2 Girls

31 years ago my life changed forever. I had gone to Dr. Nanni 2 days before and he said "Honey, it's going to be a LONG time before this baby is born." Well, my tenacious # 1 had other things in mind. Labor started, and 33 long hours later, at 2:33 in the afternoon my beautiful, milk chocolate baby girl was born. Although her head was a "banana head," that changed quickly, and everyone thought she was perfect. We didn't know we were having a girl, as that was before cenograms were readily done. We had chosen to name her after Randy's sweet "Grandma Mique"- or Micaela.

Mique has been a wonderful daughter with many admirable attributes. She has always done everything in a big way. She lets her feelings be known- if she loves something or someone everyone knows it. And if she's unhappy, well, it's obvious. She loves to share her artistic talents and is very generous in her giving. She's a really good writer, and should publish a book someday. Her photography is beautiful, as well as her scrapbooking and blogging. She's a computer wiz, having no fear in figuring out any piece of equipment. If there is a problem, she tackles it head on, and makes a difference! And she's a true friend.

She has taken being a big sister very seriously since the day Jessica was born. She's a terrific mother who inspires others to be better, always advicating for her three kids. And she's a wonderful daughter who makes her parents proud every day!

Happy Birthday, our # 1!!!!!

And then there were 2......

Exactly 2 years (by calendar days) our life changed again. Even though she wasn't due for another week, Jessica appeared. I know she had just seen how much fun Halloween was and wanted to participate. She made thing so much easier on Me, coming after only 8 hours of labor. Her thick black hair and pretty face added to our milk chocolate family. (I know, you girls don't like chocolate! But you have to admit, it is a pretty color!) She was easy going from the start, which helped a frantic new mother of 2. After 2 major surgeries, she was good as new.

Jessica was alway pretty smart, and challenged herself to learn as she saw her sister go to school. When she finally got there, she surrounded herself with smart people and did very well. (Of course we thought our kids were geniouses.) Jessica always loved the arts, and earned the nickname "Lupdy" as a way of describing how she danced around the house. She took ballet, and was in theatre and singing groups. She is talented in drawing and figuring out how to make anything she wants to.

Her dimples have always been visible as she's generally happy, looking for the joy in life. Her bother and sister have always relied on her to be level headed, being what I have always called " a wise soul." Her spiritually has been evident since she was a very young teenager. It was no surprise to anyone when she decided to go on a mission. Her scriptures have always been WELL used.

And now she is also a wonderful mother and wife. We are so proud to call you our daughter.

Happy birthday to you, Lupdy!

I love you both more than you could know.. well now that you are mothers you might have a good idea . But until your children are parents, you'll just have to wait to see how much you love and admire them. It's SOOOOO much!!!! I am so blessed!!!!