Saturday, October 4, 2008

A coincidence?

I usually go to the temple on Wednesday mornings with a group of friends. We have been attending weekly for about 2 1/2 years. It has been a real blessing in my life.

This week I went on Friday morning by myself, as we attended the funeral of another friend's mother on Wednesday morning and couldn't find another time to go together. While changing into my white clothes the thought occurred to me to take my reading glasses so I could read both the info about the person whose name I was "doing" and the Book of Mormon before going into the endowment room. I have never taken my glasses with me before.

While sitting in the waiting room I picked up the scriptures. I decided to look up scriptures to support my upcoming Primary lesson on talents. I went to the B of M index and found only 1 scripture reference- Ether 12:35. In that scripture it states that if we don't have charity our talents will be taken from us. I had never thought about the need to share our talents in that way before. I decided to go to the beginning and read the whole chapter. Wow! It is a beautiful chapter on 3 important principles of the gospel...Faith, Hope,and Charity. What started out as looking for ways to support a lesson on talents turned in a whole different direction. As I read and pondered this chapter, I was impressed with a renewed thought. That Faith precedes the miracle. That hope and faith go hand in hand, and I should strive each day to live with both.

Throughout the following temple endowment session, I was filled with renewed hope. I had put my dear JJ's name on the prayer roll as I arrived at the temple, and he was on my mind throughout the session. I kept pondering the verses I had read only minutes before, and had very strong impressions about faith and hope. As time for the prayer circle approached, I felt the urgent need to join, knowing that I would probably cry through the whole prayer, but I needed to be a part of that prayer. After the session, as I prayed in the celestial room, I was filled with gratitude and love for my family, for Jonathan in particular, and for a loving Heavenly Father who knows us and our wants and needs. Mique's last blog post about celebrating the small miracles was everpresent! I was (and am) filled with a new hope and faith for the future, especially for our special boy.

Then I watched General Conference thes morning. Elder Uchdorf's (SP) talk was on the very same topic! Same scripture! Coincidence? I think not! A tender mercy? You bet! My heart is filled with...Hope, Faith, and especially Gratitude!!!


jess said...

thanks for sharing that mom. i too loved that talk and can't wait to study more...

Heidi said...

Wonderful, Syndea. I loved Pres. Uchtdorf's talk, too. Can't wait to read it and ponder on what you wrote.
Love you!


Aunt Janet said...

what a beautiful thought from such a beautiful lady. I too need to work on faith, hope and charity.

askin said...

Greetings from Sweden! No coincidences in the thirty miraculous happenings I experienced in different countries and related in my book "SMALL MIRACLES" by Askin Ozcan.(ISBN 1598001000 Outskirts Press)

Available at 200 internet bookshops
under the author's name (incl., and via 25.000 bookstores.

Shopkins said...

wow that is such a great experience! THanks so much for sharing that! You are such an incredible women! SO blessed that i was able to have you as a leader in Young WOmens...thanks for everything you have done. so many good memories, I miss you dearly!

Aaron & Jill said...

No coincidence. I am the luckiest person in the world to have you in my life and the lives of my family. I am always inspired by you.

Proud mom of 7......... said...

that was beautiful Syndea...thank you for sharing such moments with us. helps us to do the same.


Sidney said...

Great message, love those "mercies".
I think we probably recieve more than we realize.It's wise to always be looking for them and humble enough to acknowledge them.