Friday, March 27, 2009

Our golden boy.....

27 years ago today a baby was born. A boy. After 2 girls. Someone to carry on the Mendioroz name. We were thrilled! Our family was complete.

Life was always exciting as "Anthony Scott Mendioroz" grew up. A long stay in the hospital at he age of 13 months. Countless trips to Grandpa Alder's office to stitch up the latest injury. Trips to the orthopedist to splint broken fingers. Lots of ace bandages to wrap sprained ankles.

All boy..... Baseballs games and video games. Snowboards and surfboards and skateboards and any other kind of board.

Student, missionary, friend, brother, uncle, husband, son...

Somehow he managed to grow up, leaving behind only a few scars. And tons of memories.....

Today we celebrate our son's birthday. His golden birthday. For a golden .... man!


Proud mom of 7......... said...

what a joy our boys are. happy birthday T and mom!

Sidney said...

ah sweet post. Aren't we glad we were blessed to have each flavor. It is so very different raising a boy and a girl. I am so glad I got to experience both