Thursday, September 13, 2007

Do's and Don'ts

I have a group of friends that I go to the temple with almost every Wednesday. Lately a cute older gentleman has been the officiator. He looks kinda stern. But every once in awhile you see a little sparkle in his eye and you know he's kind hearted. He has led the prayer circle for the last 3 sessions I've attended. First he "cordially invites" the gentlemen to join the circle. Then he says the sweetest prayers! One of the things he says that has stayed with me is "may we do the do's and don't the don'ts". This morning as I was praying, that phrase came to me strongly. I hope I can remember the do's and then do them. And realize before I get into trouble that the don'ts will only make me unhappy and regretful. One of the big don't for me is opening my big mouth inappropriately. Been a problem for me as long as I've been talking- about 51 years. My goal today is to say only the things that will make me, and especially everyone around me, happy. Lewt's see if I can do that do for just 1 day. I'll let you know how I did.

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